Negotiating in Life, Business Negotiation August 31, 2011
What you can learn from negotiating a property dealOne of the most common negotiations most people will enter into is the property deal. At some point, people buy (or sell) a house, negotiate a commercial lease, or buy (or sell) land.
Any negotiation—including a property negotiation—involves strategy. According to Dr. Chester L. Karrass writing in The Negotiating Game, buyers and sellers have different strategies, some of which are:
Inc. Magazine’s article “How to Negotiate a Land Deal” provides five tips that are applicable to any deal:
1. Review the property (or review the product or service)
2. Review any property covenants or restrictions (understand what you can or can’t do with what you are buying)
3. Do a cost analysis (natch)
4. Don’t be adversarial (think win-win)
5. Make a fair offer.
Essentially, coming up with a fair deal in property takes the same type of consideration and strategy that any buy-sell negotiation. Both sides will need to understand what is being bought-sold and where the pricing comes from.
What have you learned from buying a home or selling property?