Career Negotiation, Negotiating in Life, Business Negotiation June 29, 2011
Find out your “timidity quotient”Timidity can be a hindrance when negotiating. Obviously, the more timid you are, the less likely you are to be able to stand up for your position, or negotiate with power.
To find out your timidity quotient, you can take the following quiz, adapted from Dr. Chester L. Karrass in his book “In Business As In Life, You Don’t Get What You Deserve—You Get What You Negotiate.”
1. How uncomfortable do you feel when facing direct conflict?
a. very uncomfortable (-10)
b. quite uncomfortable (-5)
c. don’t like it but can deal (0)
d. enjoy it somewhat (+5)
e. welcome the opportunity (+10)
2. How do you feel about situations with many pros and cons?
a. very uncomfortable. I like clarity (-10)
b. quite uncomfortable (-5)
c. don’t like it but can deal (0)
d. Undisturbed (+5)
e. I like it…nothing is every black or white (+10)
3. How confident are you in your business judgment?
a. Experience shows it’s very good (+10)
b. Good (+5)
c. As good as most other business people (0)
d. Not too good (-5)
e. I don’t have good business judgment (-10)
4. How do you usually give in?
a. Very slowly if at all (+10)
b. Moderately (+5)
c. About the same pace as the other party (0)
d. I try to move it along by giving up more (-5)
e. I give in quickly to get it over with (-10)
5. Would you walk back into a store after you tried to reach a deal with the merchant but could not?
a. No way (-10)
b. Rarely (-5)
c. Maybe, but not always. (0)
d. Probably. (+5)
e. Absolutely (+10)
Add up your score. If you are in positive territory, you are not hindered by timidity too often or at all. If your score is negative, you may be a bit too timid. If your score is -50 you may be too timid to negotiate.