Business Negotiation September 12, 2012

Gain Being Heard Power Through Global Economy and New Technology

In the give and take of being heard and influencing others, those whose work intersects with the global economy, technology or image-making activities are in a good position to win the attention of others. The team or group’s competitive edge lies in what those on the forefront learn as advance scouts about the ever-changing world outside and their willingness to impart it to others...

In the give and take of being heard and influencing others, those whose work intersects with the global economy, technology or image-making activities are in a good position to win the attention of others.

The team or group’s competitive edge lies in what those on the forefront learn as advance scouts about the ever-changing world outside and their willingness to impart it to others. Those who work on the frontiers of our new economy are, for the rest of us, our early warning system of trends to come that will soon affect our success and lives.

Every business and institution is now affected by the global marketplace. We have seen American banks rise or fall on what takes place in France or Thailand. A salesperson enjoying a casual conversation may learn in Chicago that intense competition from China is soon to threaten her product line or that the price of everything they sell will fall because Indonesian businessmen are planning to expand market share.

When people tell us something we don’t already know that we need to know, we listen. It matters not if the messenger is new or recently on the job, or higher or lower on the organization pyramid, our self-interest lies in listening.

This is also the case with respect to current technological changes. Advancements in new products are occurring at a remarkable speed.

Somebody, somewhere, at this moment, is developing a better, faster, more efficient way to do whatever your company, group, or organization is best at. Only if you develop and harness internal and external avenues to gather information and listen, can you organization keep up.
Negotiating Tips , Negotiation Strategies , Planning for Negotiations
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