Negotiation Case Studies October 21, 2009

Off the record?

We’ve all heard the following scenario: the politician tells the journalist that he will only talk off the record. The journalist agrees, the politician gives up some juicy information, and the next day, the whole story is told in the daily newspaper, citing an unnamed source, which it turns out can ONLY be the politician...

We’ve all heard the following scenario: the politician tells the journalist that he will only talk off the record. The journalist agrees, the politician gives up some juicy information, and the next day, the whole story is told in the daily newspaper, citing an unnamed source, which it turns out can ONLY be the politician. Politician gets angry at the journalist, and trouble ensues.

But, for the record, there is a legitimate need for off-the-record talks when you are conducting business negotiations.

Off-the-record talks are any informal communication between the negotiating parties. The talks can be held in an elevator, in restaurant or wherever the negotiation is NOT taking place.

In an informal setting, people discuss their personal problems and gripes, and generally, the stuff of everyday life. These informal discussions make it safe to let out steam. Because there is no structure, and what is being discussed does not have to be agreed to, both parties can test assumptions.

Being off the record allows the parties to say what is on their minds, and give a more real sense of the issues and problems.

According to Chester L Karrass, off-the-record talks “are mandatory when official positions have hardened and deadlock is imminent. While it may be difficult to say anything conciliatory at the table, a few well-chosen words after dinner can indicate unofficial willingness to compromise.”

Because off-the-record talks tend to be more social in nature, people are easier on each other. It allows common ground to appear.

As Karrass punctuates: “Not everything that must be said can be said at the negotiating table. A good negotiator knows that.”

How often do you go off the record? Have you found that it has moved a negotiation to reach a deal?

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